
Hijack '93 Characters

Hijack '93


Hijack '93


After 2 decades, the events of October 25th 1993 are made into a narrative by Play Network Studios and Native media. It explains some of the unknown facts and some of the new ones that were later discovered about that day through interviews. The Hijack'93 did not try to fictionalize the events of that day, however, some inaccuracies were noticed by critics and some of the witnesses. The movie was not a hit or become very successful, but it has the potential of a classic as its story was taken from the famous reign of Sani Abacha.


Thriller, Crime


Robert O. Peters


October 3, 2024

Mallam Jerry

Sam Dede in Hijack'93

    Sam Dede

  • Mallam Jerry breaks all political protocols when he stages a crime against the Nigerian government as he claims to be doing it for the fatherland.

  • Sam Dede is known to play the most graceful characters, but Mallam Jerry Yusuf in the movie Hijack ’93 breaks that streak. The character stages a hijack on a Nigerian Airways Airbus A310 aircraft en route from Lagos to Abuja, Nigeria, with 132 passengers and 11 crew members on board in 1993 and things turn dark.

    The hijackers will leverage the situation for a negotiation with the government.

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