
Ramsey Nouah Movies

Living in Bondage: Breaking Free


Living in Bondage: Breaking Free


The movie was birthed from the new idea of remakes in Nollywood which Ramsey Nouah is propelling. It remixes the narrative of the original Living in Bondage movie with a contemporary movie style. Richard Williams was only introduced as a new generation of the cult portrayed in the movie. In the previous versions of the movie, Andy Okeke plays the central role where he had to use his wife Merit for ritual and make money in return. Okeke's suffering starts on the day of the ritual when he realises there is no escaping it. In the new movie, Richard Williams rules over the cult and recruits young people who are as naive as Andy Okeke. Sadly one of those will be the son of the latter.




Ramsey Nouah

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Richard Williams Wiki
  • Since the early 90s, Ramsey Nouah has been in the Nigerian movie industry alternating between acting and directing. In his directorial career, he appears to be more focused on remakes and has made appearances in a few as well - Living in Bondage: Breaking Free (2019) for instance.
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