
Sam Dede Movies

Hijack '93


Hijack '93


After 2 decades, the events of October 25th 1993 are made into a narrative by Play Network Studios and Native media. It explains some of the unknown facts and some of the new ones that were later discovered about that day through interviews. The Hijack'93 did not try to fictionalize the events of that day, however, some inaccuracies were noticed by critics and some of the witnesses. The movie was not a hit or become very successful, but it has the potential of a classic as its story was taken from the famous reign of Sani Abacha.


Thriller, Crime


Robert O. Peters

Release Date/Year:

October 3, 2024
Other Characters by the Same Actor
Sam Dede in Hijack'93
  • Samuel Dedetoku aka Sam Dede has been back and forth between acting and lecturing at the the University of Port Harcourt. He has played some of the most favourite roles and characters that Nollywood remembers. Mallam Jerry compliments that list. For three decades Sam Dede has given his best to fans including with his performance in Issakaba and Ijele. The actor has promised his fans that he will bring back Issakaba in an announcement made at the beginning of 2024. The Return of Issakaba which Dede calls the upcoming movie has yet to be released and there are still very few details known about it.
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